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 5 results in yourPeople - Aftersearch for"Bartholomeus van der Helst"Advanced Search
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Roelof Bicker and a boy in seventeenth-century clothing, c. 1846-c. 1882. Creator: Cornelis Springer.
The shooters' meal in the Voetboogdoelen in Amsterdam in celebration of the conclusion..., 1779. Creator: Jacob Cats.
...(St. Joris) Doelen in Amsterdam...conclusion of the Peace of Munster, June 18, 1648, (1795). Creator: Francesco Tozelli.
A Dutch Burgomaster, after Bartholomeus van der Helst, 1871. Creator: Jules-Ferdinand Jacquemart.
A Dutch Burgomaster, after Bartholomeus van der Helst, 1871. Creator: Jules-Ferdinand Jacquemart.